How can I enroll my unit with PANAM RENTAL PROGRAM?

You can participate in our rental program by enrolling your unit online at PanAm Rental Program.
Also, rental forms are available for you to download here and can be returned via email or mail. You will receive an enrollment confirmation via email after the enrollment is processed on the website or with our office. If you did not receive a confirmation, please contact Panam Servicing to verify your unit status.

Is there any fee for enrolling the unit in Panam Rental Program?

There is no enrollment fee to participate in Panam Rental Program.

Can I enroll my unit when the interval has already started?

Last minute enrollments will only be accepted based on inventory needs. The enrollments will be processed during the 48 hours after the enrollment form has been received. Last minute enrollments are not allowed on the website.

Is Panam Rental Program managed by the Royal Resorts Caribbean?

No. Panam Rental Program is managed by a travel agency named Panam Export Services LLC. their offices are located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida-USA.

Where can I find the pin to login at the website?

Pins are provided by the Royal Resorts Caribbean. It is the same pin members have to use to login to the Members Area at the Royal Resorts Caribbean website.

Can I enroll my unit over the phone?

No, the enrollment must be done online or by submitting a Rental Program Enrollment Form mail, e-mail or online at

What is a LTO?

LTO means Limited Time Offer. This is an offer for a specific period of time that is made to a specific resortintervals-floor plan-unit view-occupancy year. For these offers, we guarantee a specific amount for the rental proceeds regardless the unit was rented or not. Although these offers have expiration dates, they can be closed at any moment without previous notice when the desired level of inventory is reached.

Can I enroll for multiple years?

Yes, you may enroll for multiple years by submitting a Rental Program Enrollment Form by mail, e-mail or online at

Where can I verify if my unit was rented?

Visit PanAm Rental Program to check the status of any unit you have enrolled in Panam Rental Program even if the unit was not enrolled online. You can also contact Panam Servicing to inquire about your rental status.

Why is my payment not guaranteed when it was guaranteed last year?

Guaranteed offers are limited time specials with specific rules for each year. The offers are determined depending on the demand for room night rentals. Also, members have to consider that seasonality for the intervals may vary from one year to another, especially if the year is a leap year.

What is the minimum of nights accepted in Panam Rental Program?

There is no minimum number of nights. Members can enroll from one night up to seven nights.

Will I be notified if my unit was rented?

No, Panam Rental Program will not call or mail the members to advise if the unit was rented. It is deemed the responsibility of the Member to contact Panam Rental Program in order to receive status information. Rental status can be verified online at, by telephone or email.

What does partial rental, listed, rented and guaranteed status mean?

Guaranteed: Due to exceptionally high demand the rental of your unit is guaranteed.
Partial Guaranteed: Due to high demand a portion of the rental of your unit is guaranteed.
Rented: Your deposited unit is currently fully rented. We recommend you to check periodically for status changes.
Partial Rental: A portion of your deposited unit is currently rented. We recommend you check periodically for status changes.
Listed: Your unit was deposited in Panam Rental Program and is currently waiting for a reservation. It has not been rented yet.

In what order is my unit in the program, how many units are ahead of mine?

Enrolled units will be processed on a first deposited, first rented basis or any other criteria The Rental Program deems appropriate to guarantee customer satisfaction or fair unit assignment. To verify how many units are ahead of yours, you may contact Panam Rental Program by telephone, mail or email.

How can I remove my unit from Panam Rental Program?

Removal requests have to be sent in writing via email. Please verify the status of your enrollment before sending a removal request. If your unit is partial or totally rented or it was enrolled under a guaranteed offer, the same cannot be removed from the program. You will receive a confirmation of the removal or a denial via email. If you did not receive a confirmation, please contact Panam Servicing to verify your unit status.

Can I remove my unit at any time?

Yes, considering that the unit has not been rented or was not enrolled under a guaranteed offer. If you would like to remove your unit when the interval has already started, you will not be able to remove your unit online and must contact our offices directly to verify if the unit can be removed.

Why was my removal request denied?

Removals from Panam Rental Program are denied for the following reasons:

  • The unit was enrolled under a guaranteed offer where removals are not allowed.
  • The unit is partial or totally rented and the interval belongs to a HIGH or PREMIUM season. For these seasons, it is not feasible to relocate the renters to give the unit back to the member.
  • The unit is partial or totally rented and the interval belongs to a MEDIUM or LOW season and there are no other units where to relocate the renters.

Can I remove my unit from Panam Rental Program if it’s not rented?

Yes, if the unit has not been rented, the Member will be able to remove the entire unit or a portion of it via online or by sending a written request to Panam Rental Program. If the interval has already started, the unit cannot be removed online.

Can I use the nights that are vacant?

Yes, the nights that have not been rented can be used by the member. First, the member must remove those nights by sending a written request to Panam Rental Program.

What will be my payment if I enroll my unit in Panam Rental Program?

Payment of rental proceeds will depend on, if the unit was enrolled in the regular program or under a guaranteed offer.
For resorts in the Caribbean: The payment of the rental distribution proceeds will equal 70% of the net rental rate. Net rental rate is the total rental rate minus taxes and service fees (7% for The Royal Sea Aquarium and 20% for Simpson Bay Resort and The Villas at Simpson Bay) as well as the cost of any other service, included in the rental rate which is not part of the occupancy value (meals, transfers, etc.).
Guaranteed Offers for the Caribbean Resorts: The payment of rental distribution proceeds will reflect the predetermined fixed value offered in writing to the Member.

When am I going to receive my check?

Payments will be processed 14 days after the correspondent interval has ended. For members in the USA, checks have an approximate delivery time of up to 4 business days.

What are my options to receive my payment for rental proceeds?

You have the following payment methods for your rental proceeds:
US/CAN based Members:
  • Check in US dollars payable to all members in record (legal name).
  • Check in US dollars payable to primary member (Payment Form is required).
  • Wire transfers (There is a $25 fee to process wire transfers which will be deducted automatically from the rental proceeds. Payment Form and additional documents are required).
  • ACH Transfer in US dollars payable to all members in record (legal name).
  • ACH Transfer in US dollars payable to primary member (Payment Form is required).
Non-US/CAN based Members:
  • Wire transfers (There is a $25 fee to process wire transfers which will be deducted automatically from the rental proceeds. Payment Form and additional documents are required).

Why is my wire transfer taking so long?

Wire transfers are configured manually with the bank by the Accounting Department. All the documents and requirements have to be complete in order to process the wire with no delay. If anything is missing, the Accounting department will stop the process and will request to contact the member to get missing information. Once the wire transfer is finally configured, they are then reviewed as part of a quality control process by the Cash Management department. If everything is fine, then the wire transfer is released.

Please take into consideration the following requirements to avoid delays in this process:

  • The bank account has to belong to one or more members in the membership/contract. There is no exception to this rule.
  • A letter on bank letterhead signed by a bank representative or a copy of a bank statement is required.
  • Print screen of the bank website is not allowed.
  • Illegible copies or images that were put together with an edition program are not allowed.
  • When sending a copy of a bank statement the member may cross sensitive information that is not needed for the wire transfer.
  • Requested information that has to be included in the documents mentioned above:
  • For US Banks: Bank Name, Address, and Phone; ABA Number for Wire Transfers; Account Number, Name(s) on the Account and Address.
  • For non US Banks: Bank Name, Address, and Phone; Account Number, Name(s) on the Account and Address. Branch Number, Intermediary Bank, Swift Code and CLABE Code (for Mexican Banks).
  • Mexican members: Please do not send the document without the CLABE CODE. It will not be accepted.
  • If the Swift Code is missing in the bank statement, this can be obtained contacting the bank and it could be written on top of the copy.

Can I apply my proceeds to my maintenance fees?


Can the rental proceeds check be sent to any person on the membership?

No, the check will be sent payable to ALL members of record (legal name) or to the primary member only, by submitting a Rental Payment Form.

Can we receive the rental proceeds via wire transfer?

Yes, by submitting a Rental Payment Form and providing the required documents to process the wire transfer.